Puritan Bennett 254 Airway, Gas Monitor
Puritan Bennett 254 Airway, Gas Monitor
63975 - Puritan Bennett 254 Airway, Gas Monitor

display of Entidal CO2, both a bar graph
and as direct percent, or in MM Hg display of respiration rate,
BPM alarms for apnea or occlusion
display of inspiratory O2 in percent
display of inspiratory nitrous oxide (N2O), in percent displays of both inspiratory and expiratory % for 3 anesthetic agents (Halothane, Enflurane and isoflurane)
Push button and digital controls for:
CO2 select, % or mm HG
alarms on/off
alarm silence
set high and low alarms for CO2, O2, and N2O calibration
return to monitor